It is okay to not be okay.

Chandra Cortez
3 min readJan 4, 2021

It is okay to not be okay.

Do you ever feel like you aren’t doing enough? Achieving enough? Producing enough? That is okay. It is okay to feel those things. You are not your feelings.

Life gets crazy and hectic and we sometimes feel like we are being pulled in a million directions. We feel like everything has to be picture perfect for others to think of us in a positive light.

These feelings are overwhelming! I struggle with feeling like I always need to be doing something and sometimes that overwhelms me so much I do nothing. Which only compounds the feeling of not being enough.

And you know what, that is okay. It is okay to be overwhelmed. It is okay to feel like you don’t have it all together. Because no one has it all together!

You are normal.

Know that it is completely normal to feel like you can always be doing more. And I truly believe that every single human being can do anything they want but you can’t do everything. Not all at once anyway.

One of the best phrases I have learned in my life is, “And that is okay.”

It helps me take a step back and breathe.

It is okay that I don’t have all of the laundry done.

It is okay that I am not the perfect gift wrapper.

It is okay to feel stuck sometimes.

It is okay that I don’t always feel okay.

It is normal to feel like you have to be super woman or superman and do it all. Isn’t that what we see on TV?

We see perfect lives, perfect homes, perfect families. If I could just do what they do, I could be perfect too.

If only being perfect were even a thing. Who gets to decide the definition of what perfect is? We all have different ideas of what that word means.

Imperfectly Perfect

We all have different views on life. We all come from different backgrounds, we have experienced different things, and we have taken different paths.

Do you ever think about how two people can go through the exact same thing and remember it completely different? It is because we all have different foundations, beliefs, and ideas about the world.

We are all perfect in our own imperfect way. We are imperfectly perfect.

And that is okay.

Next time that you are feeling overwhelmed, tell yourself that it is okay to not feel okay.

See how that makes you feel. Be okay with not being able to accomplish everything on your two page to do list. Be alright with the fact that you went to bed with dishes in the sink.

It is not the end of the world.

No one expects as much out of you as you expect out of yourself.

All that you can do is try your very best everyday.

If you are giving your all then no one can ask anymore of you.

And if your all is just getting out of bed and showering, that is okay. You did it and tomorrow is a new day.

Don’t beat yourself up.

